Perth Alliance Church
History of PAC

History of PAC

1986JanThe Canadian Chinese Christian & Missionary Alliance sent Rev & Mrs Jonathan Kaan to launch a church planting project in Perth.
1992MayRev Thomas Auyeung, former principal of the Macau Bible College, arrived in Perth and joined the pastoral team of the church.
1994JanThe church’s original English name of “Perth Chinese Alliance Church” was changed to “Perth Alliance Church”, and two separate services started, i.e. Mandarin & Cantonese.
1996SepThe church acquired its own building and moved to 324 Belmont Ave, Kewdale.
1998MarThe first English service was held in Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre.
2003NovThe church launched a church planting project led by Rev Thomas Auyeung to reach out to the northern suburbs of Perth, and had its first meeting at Hamersley Community Centre.
2007JulAmendments to PAC By Laws approved by National Board to form a combined Board of Elders responsible for both PAC (North) and PAC (South), and separate Boards of Deacons.
2008MarUnit 6, 41 Belmont Ave purchased, and church office moved to this location.
MayEnglish congregation commences Sunday worship services at 6/41 Belmont Ave.
2012SepPAC (North) commenced separate Mandarin Service.
2018MarRev Thomas Auyeung diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. Rev Rolf Van Wollingen appointed Acting Senior Pastor of both PAC (South) and PAC (North).
2020SepRev Thomas Auyeung formally resigned as Senior Pastor of both PAC (South) and PAC (North).
2021SepPAC (South) and PAC (North) formally separated into fully independent churches, each with their own Board of Elders and Lead Pastor.
2022OctIn view of increasing new members, fuelled by migration from HK, search committee established to find a second fulltime pastor for PAC (South) Cantonese congregation.
2023DecRev Thomas Auyeung passed away.
2024OctIris Chan called to serve as a second fulltime pastor in the PAC (South) Cantonese congregation
