Perth Alliance Church
Offering Online

Offering Online

The easiest way to make an offering to PAC (South) is via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) directly into the General Fund.

The Bank Account details are:

Name of Account: Perth Alliance Church (South)
BSB: 036-078
Account No: 684582

When you set-up your EFT payment, it would be helpful to use the following format and codes to enable the office staff to identify how you want the money to be distributed. If no codes are given the money will be treated as an offering to the General Fund and will be distributed among the three congregations according to the currently applied formula. The following codes allow you to identify which congregation you wish the money to be designated for, and also which of the funds you want the money to go into. Please note, you will have to set-up a separate EFT payment for each fund you wish to deposit money into.

When you set-up you EFT payment, please use the following format and codes in the narration section to indicate how you want the money distributed:

How to fill-in the codes:

#1. This box should be used to identify which congregation of PACS you belong to:

                E‐English, M‐Mandarin, C‐Cantonese.

Then follows a hyphen ‘‐‘ before the next code.

#2. This box allows you to identify yourself by the 3-digit membership ID that you received when you became a member of PACS. If you are not a member or don’t have an ID you can get one assigned to you by the church treasurer (send an email to If you wish to give anonymously you can simply type ‘XXX’.

Then follows another hyphen ‘‐‘ before the final code.

#3. This box allows you to designate which fund you want your offering to go into. The Offering Code ID is a 2‐digit code selected from the list below:

00: Tithe01: Thanksgiving 02: Great Commission Fund 
03: Overseas Mission 04: Home Mission 05: Church Building Fund  
14: Childrens Ministry16: Love Offering Redirect17: Others 18: PAC Mission 365 

When sending your Faith Promise money to go to the C&MA National Office, use the Offering ID#02 for the Great Commission Fund. Offering ID #16 is used when you want to make a special ‘love offering’ to be given to a particular person anonymously. In that case, please also include the name of the person after the ID #16. Offering ID #17 is used when you want to give to a special project/event.

Example 1: E-132-00

A member of PACE with membership ID 132 is giving to the General Fund

Example 2: C-088-16-Susan Wong

A member of the Cantonese congregation with membership ID 088 is giving a Love Offering to Susan Wong

Example 3: M-124-17-Vanuatu

A member of the Mandarin congregation with membership ID 124 is giving to a special appeal for cyclone victims in Vanuatu
